Embark on a relentless journey through a alternate history's battlegrounds at the end of the second world war. Set foot in the chaotic aftermath of the island hopping campaign as the United States marches towards the heart of Japan. Your mission? Halt the relentless advance of the invaders in this never-ending Hack-n-slash ! How many waves of enemies can you fend off before succumbing to the relentless tide of war?

This game was made by 3 people for the Gamedev.tv Game jam  by Salaaf, shuang1024, and Plide with some help from Michi981. If you liked this game, please vote for our game!


  • Compatibility support for controllers
  • Amazing Nostalgic pixel art graphics
  • Fun 8 bit soundtrack
  • Endless killing of enemies


  • Move with WASD or Arrow Keys on keyboard, and move with D-pad or Controller Stick with controllers
  • Crouch with Ctrl, Z, and left shoulder and Bottom action for controllers
  • Interact with E and X or Left Action and Right Shoulder


saigo_stand.exe 69 MB

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